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Currency exchange offices in Cabo San Lucas

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Hotels in Cabo San Lucas
In the main hotel chains of Cabo San Lucas, in the Baja California peninsula, you will find Globo Cambio offices that offer currency exchange services with extended opening hours, 365 days a year.
RIU Palace Baja California Hotel
Currency exchange - Payment with Visa and Mastercard credit or debit card
Cam. Viejo to San José, km 3.5, El Medano, 23453 Cabo San LucasOpen all year round. Opening hours: 06:00 - 00:00
How to get to the officeThis office is located in the hall at the customer reception.
Foreign currency exchange office of Globo Cambio, located at the RIU Palace Baja California Hotel, in Cabo San Lucas (Mexico)
Palace Cabo San Lucas Hotel RIU
Currency exchange - Payment with Visa and Mastercard credit or debit card
Cam. Viejo to San José, km 4.5, El Medano, C.P. 23453 Cabo San LucasOpen all year round. Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00
How to get to the officeThis office is located in the customer reception hall.
Foreign currency exchange office of Globo Cambio, located at the RIU Palace Cabo San Lucas Hotel, in Cabo San Lucas (Mexico)
RIU Santa Fe Cabo San Lucas Hotel
Payment with Visa and Mastercard credit or debit card - Currency exchange
H. RIU Santa Fe Cabo San LucasOpen all year round. Opening hours: 09:00 - 19:00
How to get to the officeThis office is located in the lobby at the customer reception.
Foreign currency exchange office of Globo Cambio located at the RIU Santa Fe Hotel Cabo San Lucas

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