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What you need to know about the currency Indian Rupee
The Indian rupee (symbol: ₹) is the official currency of India. The Reserve Bank of India has been issuing the currency of India since 1957, when the country adopted a decimal monetary system to convert one rupee into 100 paise. The ISO code for the rupee is INR.
The denominations of the banknotes in India are 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, and 1000 rupees. Currently, Indian banknotes feature the image of the leader of India's independence, Mahatma Gandhi, and were issued between the year 2016 and 2019.
Regarding the currencies, the Indian rupees in circulation have a value of 1, 2, and 5 rupees and 10 and 50 paise. In 2011, India withdrew the 20 paise coins from circulation. All the obverses of Indian coins contain an Indian national symbol.
India or India is the name by which the Republic of India is known, and both are accepted, although the correct usage is India. The rupee is recognised by different names depending on the area of the country where you are located: rupaya, roopayi, rubai or ropa.
The currency of India is one of the most used in the world as more than 1.4 billion Indians use it daily and the country is one of the most important economies in the world in terms of its GDP.
What do the banknotes/coins look like?
Front part
*The banknotes and coins correspond to the newest issued series and are for reference. Colours may vary and there may be more designs than those shown.