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What you need to know about the currency Mexican Peso
The Mexican peso is the official and current currency of Mexico. It is a currency with less than a hundred years of history, as its origins date back to 1929-1930, when the Bank of Mexico established it as the method of payment for the country. This institution was founded only five years earlier.
There are banknotes of 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, and 20 Mexican pesos. Some of them are printed on paper, but the more modern ones are made of polymer and include advanced technology security features. The latest editions are from 2021.
The most commonly used Mexican peso coins are the 50 centavos, 1, 2, 5, and 10 pesos. However, the 5 peso coin stopped being minted in 2002, and the 10 and 20 peso coins in 2019. The largest coin is the 100 peso coin, although it is commemorative. One Mexican peso is divided into 100 centavos (¢).
The first banknotes of the Bank of Mexico were printed by the American Bank Note Company of New York (ABNC) in a size of 180 x 83 mm. Here the symbol for the currency was included, which is $. This began to be used before it was used to identify the dollar.
A 20 peso banknote made of polymer has an average lifespan of 32 months, while the 50 peso banknote, made of the same material, lasts up to 39 months. This is due to the more frequent use of the former compared to the latter.
What do the banknotes/coins look like?
Front part
*The banknotes and coins correspond to the newest issued series and are for reference. Colours may vary and there may be more designs than those shown.